
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Tangle Card Update

I want to remind everybody that there are TWO Challenges this week...
Challenge #5, Hemp, is HERE.  Post your art on the Beez Ink Studio Facebook Page.
Challenge #6, Pingline, is HERE. Post your art entry on the ZT for Kidz! Facebook Page.

There will be TWO winners chosen for each of these challenges. I will choose one and the other will be chosen by popular vote. So be sure to get your entry in ASAP onto the right Facebook page. Then, everyone should go and vote for their favorite by clicking the "LIKE" button for their entry of choice. It's OK to vote for yourself. ;-)  If there is a tie, it will be broken by whichever entry has the most "Comments". The winners will be chosen in the late afternoon (EST) on Thursday, August 22.

You can still pre-order the Tangle cards on my site. I have heard that they will be arriving soon at my studio and then I will start sending them out to you all. Or Bonnie will. Bonnie is my studio manager minion. You all know how badly I have needed one! she has been sorting orders and pre-addressing envelopes. And sorting tattoos... Yeah!

I have to show you some really cool stuff the publisher is doing to promote the cards...

Maybe it's a little shallow, but I take great pride in being listed at the beginning of the New Titles emails. :-)

And this POP (Point of Purchase Display) is so cute and makes my OCD heart beat a little faster...

 If anyone actually sees one of these displays (or any displays) of the cards in a store or Michael's or somewhere, please let me know! If you send me a photo, I'll send you something cool. Oooo bribery!

Ah - and I almost forgot - speaking of bribery - I have had a few emails from people asking WHY they would pre-order the cards from me rather than wait to get them from Amazon. That is a very fair question. Those of you who did NOT ask it probably already knew the answer. I have designed very cool little "extras" for you all - my faithful minions! New tattoos, stickers, pins... and I am giving extra-extras for the pre-orders. And there have been quite a few folks who ordered ALL the packs or even MULTIPLES of the packs... phew!... and you folks get other cool stuff too. Yeah - cool stuff! :-)


  1. The display looks really cool. Are you offering the whole display and products to CZTs? And are you offering it at wholesale prices? Just wondering. Thanks.

  2. Hi,
    Diana Crick here. Have I ordered ALL of the packages of cards? Sorry didn't know how to e-mail you directly. You can reply to

  3. I got my new Tangle Cards yesterday! LOVE THEM! I showed them off to some of my Tangling friends today! I see now I have to order more for birthdays, door prizes, etc :)!! You are very talented Sandy!


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