
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Tangling on an iPad & a Sheer Heaven Trick

A recent comment on my blog post about my new "Tangles of Kells" ebook:

I have a question. Do you tangle on your iPad? What app do you use? I haven't found an app that I like for tangling and am wondering what everyone else is using. Can't wait to download your newest book.      Kathie in B'ham, AL

To which I replied:

I don't tangle on my iPad yet, but I just started taking a FABULOUS online class about using your iPad as an Art Studio. It's by Jessica Weselok, the creator of Sheer Heaven. I'll be doing a post about her soon. Here's the link:

I forwarded these questions to her, and here is Jessica's response:

Hi Sandy!
Ever since I began exploring art apps on the iPad two years ago, I have thought of you and your tangling books often, because the iPad is indeed an ideal tool for tangling. There are a few apps that I feel are best and they vary in complexity. I don't just throw app names out there because so many artists download drawing apps and find them too intimidating because there are usually no instructions on how to use them. Then, they give up too soon.

So, my e.workbooks are the "missing manuals" for these apps, and I am currently working on one to teach how to tangle on the iPad, which will cover three apps - ranging from very simple to "the sky's the limit". I will be sure to let you and your readers know the minute it is available. 


You can read more about the iPad Studio - Jessica is very funny and she has a lot of experience.
I have been having a lot of fun working through the ebooks (there are 11 and I am moving slowly.) But the very first section taught me how to actually "turn off" all the apps that my daughter opened, thereby saving my battery life. Who knew you had to "close" each one!
I just skipped ahead to book 5 so I could learn how to use a really cool journaling program too. I have taken quite a few online classes with Jessica - Art Journals, Guerilla Photography, and one on how to actually USE the strange settings on my digital camera - so I am sure her tangling on the iPad ebook will be fabulous, too. She promised I could take a peek and make sure she uses the right terminology and all that. It won't really be about HOW to create Zentangles, but rather how to use the iPad as another tool for drawing tangles.

The other thing that Jessica is FAMOUS for is SHEER HEAVEN!  If you have read Yoga for Your Brain then you remember I explain how to use Sheer Heaven to make cool transfers into your journal that can be tangled over easily.

Page from Yoga for Your Brain
To download a free pdf tutorial on making Sheer Heaven transfers or to see a YouTube video - click here.   If you would like to order some of this miracle paper, Jessica has an Etsy shop, so it is easy to buy it HERE. Sooner or later, I will add some smaller, sampler packs to my own shop - but once you start playing with it, you'll be glad you have plenty of sheets at your disposal!

One interesting trick that I just recently learned is that Sheer Heaven can actually pick up the texture from texture-y paper or fabric! Each transfer can only be used once, but I noticed that, after transferring an image to canvas, not all the image had transferred. So I repeated the spritzing and rubbing, but did the second transfer to paper. And this time it had a canvas look to it... on the paper! Oh... I'll scan my sketchbook page... a picture's worth a thousand words...

Cool, right?! Another thing I need to do an e-book about! I'll add it to the (growing) list.

1 comment:

  1. Sandy, I'm wondering how your online class went, and if you've started tangling via iPad? I too feel it would be a great platform, especially while traveling. Any thoughts, tips or apps you can share on your blog? I tried the link again to iPad Studio, and it appears that the site it gone.

    Thanks for your thoughts, talents, insights, and sharing your process.

    Beth in Seattle


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