
Thursday, September 27, 2012

CZT 10 and The Book of Zentangle

I am having a very hard time keeping my eyes open right now, but my brain is so excited I can't crawl into bed until I have told you guys what I saw today!

I dragged my carcass out of bed at 5am today so I could drive down to Providence, RI with Bette Abdu. She drove - I never could have stayed awake. Although I think we talked nonstop for the 3 hours down and the 3+ back. It was ironic to spend seven hours driving so we could spend three hours at the Certified Zentangle Teacher training workshop, but it was SO worth it.

Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts
We got to sit in on the last leg of the program and learned a new tangle pattern - it's a little like Tripoli, but... different. ;-D It will probably be in one of the future Zentangle newsletters, but for now, you have to wait patiently and curse me under your breath. (I'll redeem myself in a minute, maybe). I got to talk to a whole bunch of people - some of you who are reading this - "Hi folks!!!", a few who were at my UN-Tangled retreat in March, a few who are coming to the one in November, and a bunch of my customers. I was thrilled to meet the Ukelele guy, Jason, too. Actually, I just realised, there were more men at this session than I have ever seen before... that's a very good sign!

What is everyone staring at....?
In all, a really nice batch of new CZTs. And a lovely batch of CUPCAKES! These were carrot cake with cream cheese frosting INSIDE too - and the caterer had been inspired to create special Zentangle wrappers!

During break, I got trapped in the room talking and signing books (I'm not complaining, it's a total trip to be treated so nicely - and it does wonders to refill my confidence tank). In the middle of a conversation, I noticed people returning to their seats and muttered "Oh, I didn't get a cupcake". Next thing I know, someone is handing me a lovely, creamy... oh slurp... cupcake. And another wonderful soul brought me a glass of tea. Have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE having minions?
I LOVE my minions!! :-)

It was over before I knew what hit me and we headed home - where I promptly crawled into bed!

BUT!!!! Backup... The coolest thing EVER - Rick and Maria have finally published their book!!!!

I remember seeing some of these illustrations, years and years ago, on Maria's desk. She said it took her 8 years to do this book - and it shows. They published it themselves, it's beautifully designed - like a mini- coffee table book. The writing looks really interesting, but I zoom right to the pictures. The art makes me drool. I want to crawl into the pictures. Heck, I wish I had drawn them!! (That is my highest compliment). As usual, words fail me. At the back of the book, they have thumbnail sized images with "notes" about how and why the pictures were created. The back-stories. I always want to see the under-layers, the ideas and structures behind the art. So this book has it all.

I was so in awe, I bought ten signed copies. I'm keeping a couple for myself, but I put a bunch up on my Etsy store if anyone would like one. They won't be sold on Amazon, but you will be able to get them from CZTs, from, and smaller bookstores, etc. At this moment, however, I seem to have the only (small) horde for sale! What a delicious feeling!!

Maria Thomas, Rick Roberts... and me


  1. and now you are one short in your stash of books :) thank you for making it available! bought and paid for - wish i had been there- i would love to meet you some day :)

  2. AAAAAACCKKKK--it says "SOLD"--but I WANT ONE!!!! Where can I get it?? Where, where, where?

  3. I am just back from Seminar X and am a new CZT. The book release and signing was absolutely MAGICAL. Jenny Perruzzi Southwest Harbor, Maine

  4. Right..keep us all in the loop where all the new books will be sold please.
    It's a shame they won't go through sure is a handy resource for everyone. $40 is a tad pricey for a book..but it would be very cool to have one by these two who are so famous among the Zentangle crowd. Just curious are Marie and Rick married? Or just business partners?
    Waiting anxiously for the new tangle. Thanks again for all your help on oil-based paint pens. You are THE best.

  5. OOOOOOOO! What a blast! I'm am SOOOO jealous!
    Rick and Maria are such special people!
    Gotta' get a book! Gotta' get a book!
    Thanks so much for this post and I'm looking forward to learning the new tangle...hope they put it in the newsletter!

  6. You are so fortunate and lucky! I love your website and I especially like the "flavor" that you write with. Your Tangles are fabulous. So glad that I found you. Deb

    1. I am so glad you found me too! Here I was wandering in circles.... ;-D

  7. I have some more of the Book of Zentangle listed. The $55 ones will mail out tomorrow or Monday.
    The regular price ones will mail out next week... probably Thursday.
    If you would still like a copy, here are the two links:
    Book and mini-kit
    Just the book

  8. Aloha Sandy!

    It's Jason, The Crooning CZT! (aka "the 'ukulele guy")

    It was so great to see you and Bette at CZT™10 in Providence. You both are Zentangle® celebs!

    It was awesome to be able to meet you in person. As an "art newbie" I keep your books close at hand while I'm working. Not only for your information, but also the encouragement your books offer. And you already know that I love your blog. Mahalo for all that you do.

    We had a great time at CZT 10--there were just over 100 people, I think. Look out world! And to be there for the release of Rick and Maria's book was awesome. Such a valuable resource. A gift!

    Looking forward to seeing you again sometime soon.
    Much Aloha from the Big Apple,


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