
Friday, February 20, 2015

Secret Art Re-Interpreted

Way back in November I got a very cool illustration assignment to work on a kids' book for  If you have kids, you'll want to check them out - they do online and print books. My project involved kids and swimming. A cute story with adorable characters. 

There were lots of revisions to the sketches over a few months, then all of a sudden WHOOSH -finishes due in three days! Yowza! Since this is a work-for-hire project, I don't own the right to show my artwork - which is fine since this project is helping to fund my cartoon school tuition. But, as usual, my little art director was working along side me and I have her artwork to show you. 

Lilah redrew a bunch of my sketches and then colored them as she saw fit. Her drawings don't bear much resemblance to mine, so I think my contract remains unviolated.

My favorite drawing is of the little girl with black hair floating in the water - at the bottom of the drawing below. She looks so happy and relaxed. That is exactly how it feels to float in a pool. Sigh. 

I can't help seeing all that white on the page as snow - very realistic right now. Brr.


  1. Lilah is becoming quite an artist! Her people are wonderful. Yay, Lilah! You go, girl

  2. I especially like the 2 swimmers in the second piece. She's really captured the motion of the swimmers. I can feel them pulling through the water. Very talented "art director" that you have there.

  3. Lilah is on her way to becoming a gifted artist just like you. Blessings!

  4. My goodness, she is so talented, I wonder where she gets it??? Hope she holds onto it just like her talented Mom. Thanks for showing us.


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