
Monday, January 21, 2013

Brightening Things Up a Little

I was rather fond of my gloomy, dark Belfry blog. It appealed to my Adams Family upbringing - my inner "Wednesday." But recently, my friend, mentor, chief-butt-kicker, Jessica, sent me an email:

"...I think you could take your bats to a brighter place. You are not a dark person - just a person of light who may have some dark moments.

Believe me when I say this with love. You need to come into the light and everything you are doing will bear even more fruit."

Hmmm... I like fruit!

And to prove that I am NOT afraid of completely overhauling my life every few years... well, I'm not afraid of completely compromising every once in a while...

I integrated my cheery, buzzy images and colors from my new website and BeeHive blog with the darker imagery of the Belfry... voila! (sorry, can't get the accent thingy to work!)

What do you think? Easier to read? Looks like everyone else's? Any links not working? :-)


  1. Your new header is cute as can be!!

  2. I can't imagine anything you do looking "like everyone else's!"

  3. Sorry i think the old way was just fine.....and this does make it look much more plain....more dramatic the other way....Hugs! deb

  4. Oooh, I Love the New look!
    I think it makes the Belfry background Pop more :)

  5. I did admire the drama of dark, BUT...I have to admit this change is much easier to read, Sandy. And I admire you for your great attitude about trying something new and making friends with the light.

    When I was in college, taking a filmmmaking class, my final project was called "Lucy, Make Friends with the Light"...or "Make Friends with the Light, Lucy" or something like that. I named the main character Lucy simply so I could use that phrase in my title...I had a friend (Lucy) in the course who was getting frustrated with the light meter while we ere filming our projects that semester, so when we encouraged her to embrace the challenge of light, I thought it was a good name for my film, too. It was a cheesy little film about a college student struggling to write a novel, secluding herself in her room and staying up all night to write, so her boyfriend kidnaps her and takes her away to an abandoned farm that I discovered near campus. I called the location "Dilapidated Acres" was so sad and beautiful at the same time. It was such an amazing setting that I was determined to feature it in my project, just like I was determined to title my film after my friend Lucy and her light issues. Needless to say, it was not a blockbuster hit. But when my long-distance boyfriend came to visit, I took him to Dilapidated Acres. We're married now, and still refer to it.

  6. I liked your blog better before too. I loved your dark side. It is pure genius!

  7. I love it Sandy! Nothing you do looks like anyone else's and that includes this new version!

  8. I love the new look! Whereas the old one went along with your theme, it wasn't always uplifting to the reader. But then, I am a light person who loves lots of color.

  9. I love this, Sandy. The only thing that looks like anybody else is that it is clean, uncluttered, and super easy to read.

    Blogs are personal, of course, but when they are part of a professional artist's online business, they have to have a similar feeling. This works perfectly with everything else.

    But the biggest thing is how easy it is to read, and I am so happy because I love reading your posts.

    You still have your wonderful Belfry, but now your words (bats?) are free to fly.

  10. Thank you! this is so much easier on my old eyes.

  11. I like it! Of course I liked it before too but will can all use a little updating once in a while... ;)

    1. Oops! I ment 'we' can all use a little updating....

  12. Wonderful! However! I spot of Purple in the Sky would be great - mayb a Purple Bat?

    Sherrie Roberts

  13. The purple on the paintbrush is symbolic. I still love the old, dark creepy banner. My avatar is freshening things up, but still deciding what needs to be done. :-)

  14. I love it... but purple is my favorite color. It is very readable and very striking. Excellent job and, as always, stunning artwork. Your are an extremely talented lady. Cherish that!!!!


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