
Sunday, January 20, 2013

[Big Grin]!

The December Student of the Month is announced in January? No matter! I'm so proud. So proud... did I mention I am proud of that kid?

Very weird to see your kid written up in a paper. Most of these things I knew about him... except for skiing. Didn't know he likes to ski!? And then there are a hundred things they left off... I guess that's why they don't let moms write up these things!

Hey Alex - I'm so proud of you! :-)


  1. He sounds outstanding and he's a cutie, too!

  2. Congratulations and many more blessings to you an Alex!

  3. Way to be an all around kid!!!! Sounds like a busy schedule and a thriving one at that! ConGRATS!

  4. Wow! What a great piece about a remarkable young man! Congrats to Alex for being recognized. And congrats to his family for helping him to be who is. (I wanna be like him when I grow up! Ha!)

  5. Way to go! You have a right to be proud!

  6. Apple didn't fall far from that tree! Creative and brilliant. ♥

  7. What a wonderful post! Your son is certainly someone I'd like to meet, just as you are. Lilah, too, of course. All for different reasons! Ah--to be a fly on your wall during a fmily dinner time! Except I'd want to be able to get in on the conversation, too.
    Congratulations, Alex! You are an inspiration and you have a fascinating future ahead.

  8. congrats. You must be very very proud.. Good for him and good for you


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