
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Gnu Gnews

OK, I admit I'm getting a little tired of all the "Gnu" puns! But tonight the artists and sponsors for the "Gnus of Gnu London" had a party and we got to see our gnu friends. It was pretty exciting to see the gnude gnus lined up on the porch of the Gnu London Inn. (Starts to get to you doesn't it? OK - enough!)

I'm one of about 8 artists in our WCANH group who will attempt to Zentangle a gnu! Our "Tattoo Gnu" will be covered, head to hoof, in B&W doodles, with colored doodles on his stripey back. Should be cool. The gnu will be on display in my gallery at my shop, Wingdoodle, while we work on it. In May they will be on display in New London, then auctioned off. For more information: Gnus of Gnu London

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